Our Specialised Diabetes Services

Lab Test

Lab Test

Diet Management

Diet Management

Foot Care

Foot Care

Retina Care

Retina Care

Kidney Care

Kidney Care

Full Body Checkup

Full Body Checkup

Continuous Care

Continuous Care

Diabetes Pharmacy

Diabetes Pharmacy

Diabetes & Thyroid care and cure is an art.

We provide everything a diabetic might need, under one roof. Right from your clinical assessment by a diabetologist to the required laboratory tests, diabetic complication screening for retinopathy, foot examination, neuropathy and finally to medicine prescription. Dietary advice and exercise routine prescription is our foundational tool to manage diabetes. We plan your diet with something sustainable that helps to control blood sugar and still makes you feel happy and fed. Remember, it's a process.

Let's see our intro video

If your health is not becoming to you, then you should be coming to me!
